Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The odd life of Timothy Green

   Hi everyone! Here is the first movie I would like to present to you today called, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. It is a cute little story about two parents (Jim and Cindy Green) raising their son (Timothy) who was grown in their Garden. It really shows the struggles of early parenting from the view of adoption.

  It starts out with Jim and Cindy having a meeting with an adoption agent, explaining what they believe makes them qualified to adopt, and then they begin telling their story of Timothy.
  After years of trying to have children, they found that it was not possible. So one night they put together a list of the different qualities that their child would have, and then put them in a box and buried them in the garden, thinking that would help them move on.

   That night a little boy grew in that spot in the garden and introduced himself as Timothy. He was a normal child except for the fact that he was born in the garden, and that he had leaves on his legs as though he was a plant. Throughout the movie, he turned out to have all of the qualities that they had imagined.

  Timothy begins to touch lives everywhere he goes having an honest, but positive view on life.  As the year moves on and fall comes, one by one his leaves fall off. He then explains to his parents that once he loses all of his leaves he has to move on and will not be there any more. When he does finally fade away, Jim and Cindy go out to the garden and dig the box out of the garden, and in it was a  touching letter from Timothy. In the end, Jim and Cindy Green end up adopting a little girl named Lily.

  This movie really does reflect the importance of family and the realities of parenting. The tone throughout most of the film is very light-hearted. I was happy to find that the use of language was hardly used. Once God was referenced inappropriately by Timothy's soccer coach when he was struggling with a kick.

  At this point I should mention a side story related to the main point. There was a girl named Joni who befriended Timothy, because of the fact that he had leaves on his legs. Some of the interaction may be considered by some inappropriate, though I will say I consider it to be subtle and fairly innocent.

 The movie was well crafted, and the acting was great. Therefore I don't have much to say on that end.

  All of this said, I found this movie to be an interesting take in parenting. Though I don't agree with the main philosophy of the views expressed, it was not too far gone. It is refreshing to me to see a clean movie made nowadays.

  I hope this review was encouraging, and if you choose to see the movie I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" -- Philippians 4:8 ESV

Hi everyone! My name is Wilson Brant, and I look forward to posting helpful movie and book reviews for you to read. My purpose for this blog is to Post reviews on books and movies from many different genres, and time periods for you to have a better understanding of what you will be reading or seeing, and help to you make choices of whether or not they will interest you, or if they will be worth your time, or even if they might be beneficial and encouraging for you. The following is what you can look forward to when reading my reviews:

I will give a brief synopsis of the storyline, with the moral or the general point that the author or director wants to get across. I know that is one of the first things that I look for in a movie or book review because it shows me whether or not I am interested in the story to begin with.

I will state the moral or ethical issues with the movie or book. I know the last thing I want is to be surprised by a bad bedroom scene, or to be overwhelmed by the abundance of colorful language. I also realize that different families have different standards of what they allow in their homes, so I will only be stating what exists in the movie or book without my personal opinion, and you can decide for yourselves from there.

I will explain my opinion of the quality of the book or movie. In regards to the quality of the writing, acting, music, directing, filming, special effects, etc.

Lastly I will compare the book or movie to the best of my ability with scripture. I think that every christian movie or book review should have a scriptural comparison to remind us that we should follow Philippians 4:8 as stated above.

I hope that you will be edified and encouraged by each and every review that I post.

God bless you all!